Monday, June 2, 2014

Skulls & Lace

If I ever see a piece of clothing with a skull on it I have to buy it. I don't know what it is about the Mexican skull but its one of my favorite designs. So one day when I walked into one of my staple stores, Express, I had to have this tank as soon as I saw it. I love how it simple in the front and has this amazing cut-out on the back. To soften the look a little bit I decided to pair up with the long lace skirt so it looks a tad more girly. To add a pop of color I chose these red Zara wedges.
And I could never forget my red lipstick ;)

No se que tienen las calacas pero desde chiquita siempre me han llamado la atención. Cada vez que veo una bufanda o camiseta con un diseño con una calaca me la tengo que comprar. Entonces cuando fui a una de mis favoritas tiendas, Express y vi esta camisa me la tenia que comprar. Me encanta que es muy simple enfrente pero de tras tiene un diseño muy lindo. Para agregarle un toque femenino me puse esta falda de encaje que me fascina. También me puse unas plataformas rojas para que tenga un "pop" de color el outfit.

Que se pondrían ustedes con esta camisa?



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thank goodness you stopped by!
We love you for it and can’t wait to show y’all what we’ve got on our blog dedicated to what we're wearing and raving about.

The Bloggers:
Samantha & Alex are both Southern college students and members of the same sorority trying their own at this whole blogging thing. Different in style, but the same in our ambitions, we’re hoping to give you a sneak peak into our everyday lives of which, in our twenties, includes a whole lot of go-go-go and for us, a whole lotta clothes.

So, how did we come about?...
It was a cold December night at a local favorite. Our usual Thursday crew was MIA…and for some reason kept being asked if we were lost. Seemingly out of place in a smoky room full of 50-somethings, we started talking clothes. And after months of day-dreaming and planning, fall semester's day-to-day fizzled out, we put our fingers to keyboard and Uptown & Downtown was born.

Meet Al:

So let me tell you a little about myself… I’m a Mexican-Canadian living in America. Crazy racial combo, I know. I’m the result of having a Mexican mother and a Canadian father. I was born in one of the most amazing cities in this world, Mexico City. A couple months after I was born my parents packed up and moved us to a little town in Northern Mexico called Saltillo, Coahuila. After 10 years there my dad got a new job in Dallas, Texas so that how I ended up in this wonderful state. Having a Mexican mother has greatly impacted my style. The typical (or at least the ones I grew up with) Mexican ladies don’t leave the house without their heels & their make-up done. This has definitely rubbed off on me, I carry at least 20 lipsticks in my purse at all times and my friends always telling me I have a problem.
I’ve wanted to do a blog forever. But never had the guts to do it. That is until one night I finally talked to Samm about it. Working in the retail business for most of high school and college I loved helping people pick out outfits and making them step out of their comfort zone when it came to fashion. I’m that girl that is always rocking crazy prints and even brighter lipstick. I’m so excited for you to check out this blog and hopefully to inspire you to step out of your boundaries when it comes to your next outfit.

& Samm:
Growing up in small Texas town blessed me with a slight twang and a laid back approach to style. For me, comfort is in easy, classic clothes with a chic or bohemian twist. Or “downtown” as Al & I'd like to call it. Details & enthusiasm are the key to turning my everyday closet despair of “there’s nothing in here for who I want to be today” into everyday outfit excitement…a unique ring, a classic top with a groovy back, anything at all that you might have to look twice at is what I’m drawn to in stores & life.
Al and I both love helping people find their way with clothes, which is why you're reading this bad boy. Follow us on our journeys through life and our closets to see what you'll find for your own closet despair and excitement.

Until next time, y'all,
Samm & Al

Monday, May 12, 2014